Lose Weight.
Gain Life.

Whether you are seeking relief from everyday struggles with weight or looking to create and maintain a healthier lifestyle, we can help.


Our Clients are seeing fast and sustainable weight loss results

Reveal Lifestyle Program

You and your certified health coach will choose the customized program to meet your unique needs and goals. You’ll learn how to eat real, healthy, nutrition rich foods in manageable quantities and you’ll build habits that will help you keep the weight and the inches off.

all natural body sculpting and get rid of wrinkles

Body Contouring

Our body contouring and skin tightening sessions aid your body’s natural process of breaking down and eliminating stubborn fat cells while smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, diminishing the presence of cellulite, dimples and ridges, and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

Our Clients are seeing fast and sustainable weight loss results

3D Body Scan

Technologically advanced system allowing us to measure inches lost, monitor how your body is reshaping week over week, and quantify changes in fat mass. Providing a 3D image of your body helps you see your results first hand.

We do things differently and it shows!

Monitor how many inches you've lost and how your body is changing shape using the Styku 3D body imaging technology.

Every client has the opportunity to incorporate state-of-the-art infrared light technology into their Reveal Lifestyle Program to tighten the skin while losing the weight and inches you want to lose.

No prepackaged meals
No shakes
Just real food

We developed our proprietary app to help you keep track of your efforts every day and to allow your Certified Health Coach instantaneous access to your progress.

• We do a metabolic analysis on your first visit. • We boost your metabolism to help your body burn fat again.

You'll meet with a Certified Health Coach every week to review your efforts and keep you on track and progressing in the healthiest way possible.

All of our clients have access to a private community where we share recipes, support, and education all with a focus on helping you reach your weight loss and body image goals.


Reveal Lifestyle Program is a natural and customizable weight loss program combining real, healthy, anti-inflammatory food choices, proprietary all natural supplements to help curb your appetite, stimulate your metabolism, and detox your body.

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About Inspire Weight Loss®

Inspire Weight Loss® is a boutique-style weight loss center founded by a group of women with over 20 years of experience and personal stories that connect us to our clients. At Inspire Weight Loss®, we’re about more than weight loss. We strive to create lifestyle transformations. Our client-centric centers offer support and accountability to those who want to embark on a journey to a healthier life and well-being. Inspire Weight Loss® combines this genuine passion with data-driven techniques to deliver real results.

Meet the Owner's

"Reveal changed our lives too!"



The MYINSPIRE app will be how you’ll log all of
the data that’s so critical to managing your
journey and success. With the touch of a button
or the swipe of a finger, you’ll be able to share
metrics with your certified health coach.

Our Clients are seeing fast and sustainable weight loss results


Our Reveal Weight Loss Program includes the latest in technology. During your weekly follow up appointment, your Health Coach will review your progress with the Styku Scan.